Welcome to VAYA's Official Blog. This exciting new blog provides an opportunity for VAYA to engage in a dialogue with our members, the community, and those interested in our organization. This blog will feature commentary and observations from VAYA Executive Board Members, contributions by VAYA Staff and members, as well as approved guest bloggers from outside of VAYA. This blog will only be a true community if you participate, so please send your thoughts to eboard@vayasd.org. Please be respectful and considerate when posting comments and thoughts. All comments will be reviewed and approved prior to publication. Thank you for visiting this blog!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

VAYA Official Newsletter: 11/19/09 (Volume V1: Issue 14)

Dear VAYA Members and Supporters,

Please find the latest updates from VAYA in the following categories:

I. VAYA General Updates
II: VAYA Tet 2010 Updates
III: Community Relations Updates
IV: VAYA & Other Organizations Updates
V: Vietnamese Americans for the Cure
VI: Other Announcements & Information

I. VAYA General Updates
A. Upcoming VAYA Event(s)
Saturday November 21: VAYA/UCSD-VSA/VSA-SDSU presents "Human Trafficking Awareness Night" @ Multi-Purpose Room / UCSD (UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093). (6:30 PM - 8:30 PM, Doors Open @ 6:00 PM). Facebook Event Page: http://www.facebook.com/#/event.php?eid=167965752877&index=1.

The Vietnamese American Youth Alliance of San Diego (www.vayasd.org), the Vietnamese Student Association of UCSD (http://vsasd.org/), and the Vietnamese Student Association of SDSU (http://www.vsa-sdsu.org/) cordially invite you to the Annual "Human Trafficking Awareness Night". This "Call to Action" type event will be held on the campus of UCSD (Multi-Purpose Room) on Saturday November 21, 2009 (door opens at 6:00 PM with the event starting at 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM). The first hour will feature speakers from VietACT (www.VietACT.org) and BSCC (www.bsccoalition.org/) along with performances by Viet Mai (Spoken Words) and Trinity (monologue). The second hour will feature various "Action Stations" where audiences can make greeting cards to the victims/survivors of human trafficking, take a photo for VietACT's "Not For Sale" Campaign, write a letter to Congress to support legislation against human trafficking, and MUCH more. Bring a roll of Yarn or any Knitting tools you have for the cause. Parking is free in Gilman Parking Structure.

Tuesday November 24: VAYA 6th Annual Thanksgiving Potluck @ Tieng Nuoc Toi Radio Conference Room (4120 30th St # 104 San Diego, CA 92104). (6:00 PM - 10:00 PM).
Facebook Event Page: http://www.facebook.com/n/?event.php&eid=185364297162&mid=16eb896G1e0cd83fG45443cfG7.

B. 2010 Asian/Pacific Islander American Youth Conference (APIAYC)
VAYA is in the process of forming the committee for our 2010 Asian/Pacific Islander American Youth Conference (APIAYC), aimed for July 2010. Please visit our official website (www.vayasd.org) for further information and "Conference Coordinator" applications if you want to be a part of the organizing committee. Please email eboard@vayasd.org if you have immediate questions or concerns.

C. Ways to get MORE involved with VAYA
At VAYA, we work to promote youth leadership, cultural awareness, social activism, and community development. Therefore, we make every effort to provide our members the opportunity to lead and make a difference. Please visit our web site for more information. Please direct any questions or concerns to VAYA Secretary, Anthony (Vinh) Nguyen, at secretary@vayasd.org.

*** Access Application(s) @ http://www.vayasd.org/downloads/

II: VAYA Tet 2010 Updates
A. VAYA's 2010 Golden Voice (Giong Ca Vang) Singing Contest Audition

Music is the melody of language, fashion, and talent. Golden Voice opens up the opportunity to carry out these important elements, and at the same time, helps preserve the essence of the Vietnamese culture through music. We are each a flower of talents, therefore, in this opportunity garden of Golden Voice, everyone blossoms.
Think you can sing? Interested in auditioning? Please save the date(s) below (*** you only need to attend ONE of the two auditions). Interested contestants can download the application @ http://www.sdtet.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/VAYA_GoldenVoice10_Application.doc and email it to GoldenVoice@sdtet.com. For more information, please visit http://www.sdtet.com/program/golden-voice/.

Sunday December 6: VAYA's 2010 Golden Voice (Giong Ca Vang) Singing Contest Audition (Audition Choice #2) @ Tieng Nuoc Toi Radio Conference Room (4120 30th St # 104 San Diego, CA 92104). (2:00 - 5:00 PM). PLEASE RSVP TO: GoldenVoice@sdtet.com.

B. General Tet News & Information
Photos and Information on the Top 20 MVSD 2010 Contestants are up. Please check it out at: http://www.sdtet.com/pageant/2010-contestants/.

For more information about the 2010 VAYA Vietnamese Lunar Year Tet Festival, please visit: www.sdtet.com.

III: Community Relations Updates
A. California Endowment /Mid-City CAN (Community Advocacy Network) Updates

The California Endowment has selected City Heights as one of 14 communities to invest significant resources over the next 10 years as part of its state-wide initiative on Building Healthy Communities. For more information or if you want to get involved, please contact:
For more information on the CA Endowment Initiatives, please visit www.calendow.org. For more information on the Mid-City CAN, please visit www.midcitycan.org.

IV: VAYA & other Organizations Updates
A. Vietnamese Alliance to Combat Trafficking (VietACT)
VAYA's very own Community Relations Coordinator II (Non-Vietnamese Community), Calix Vu-Bui, is currently in Taiwan as the latest VietACT Intern (www.VietACT.org). Follow her experience in Taiwan @ http://vietactintern.blogspot.com/.

V: Vietnamese Americans for the Cure
For more information about "Vietnamese Americans for the Cure" and the race, please go to www.viet4cure.org or contact: Nick Tran OR Tracey Nguyen @ info@viet4cure.org.

VI: Other Announcements & Information
A. “PASSPORT TO LOVE” (Chuyen Tinh Xa Xu)
U.S. RELEASE EXPANDED BY POPULAR DEMAND!Winning the hearts of audiences during its limited theatrical run, Victor Vu’s romantic comedy “PASSPORT TO LOVE” will expand to several new cities across the U.S.

Distributed by Everest Productions, the movie will open on November 13th at SAN DIEGO, CA – UA Horton Plaza 14. It will be shown there for approximately two more weeks. Anthony Nguyen, one of VAYA's member (former VAYA Athletic Coordinator), was the Art Director for the film and Nick Tran, a VAYA staff volunteer, was a bartender extra for roughly 3 seconds!

SYNOPSIS: Two best friends leave Vietnam to study abroad in Orange County in this globetrotting romantic comedy from Victor Vu. Though they are supposed to be focusing on school, each man quickly finds himself tangled up with an American woman: the charming Khang (Binh Minh) falls for a single mother, while the already-engaged Hieu (Huy Khanh) has a fling with a beauty queen.

View the trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj9EDnsT0QU

Rated PG-13
In Vietnamese with English Subtitles, 120 minutes

For additional information, please visit: www.PassportToLoveTheMovie.com

B. U.S. Census Bureau
In 2010, the U.S. Census will define who we are as a nation. Taken every 10 years, the census affects political representation and directs the allocation of billions of dollars in government funding. As a 2010 Census partner, you can educate your community about the importance of participating in this historic event and help ensure no one is left uncounted. You can help your community receive the fiscal and social benefits to which it is entitled. Achieving a complete and accurate 2010 Census is in our hands.For more information about the U.S. Bureau of Census, please visit: www.census.gov.

For a complete listing of VAYA's upcoming events/meetings, please visit our official calendar at: http://www.vayasd.org/calendar/. Please direct any questions or concerns to VAYA Secretary, Anthony (Vinh) Nguyen, at secretary@vayasd.org.

On behalf of VAYA's Executive Board and Staff, thank you for your continual support.

About the Author: Anthony (Vinh) T. Nguyen serves as Secretary for VAYA.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Invitation: Annual "Human Trafficking Awareness Night"

Dear Friends,

The Vietnamese American Youth Alliance of San Diego (www.vayasd.org), the Vietnamese Student Association of UCSD (http://vsasd.org/), and the Vietnamese Student Association of SDSU (http://www.vsa-sdsu.org/) cordially invite you to the Annual "Human Trafficking Awareness Night".

This "Call to Action" type event will be held on the campus of UCSD (Multi-Purpose Room) on Saturday November 21, 2009 (door opens at 6:00 PM with the event starting at 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM). The first hour will feature speakers from VietACT (www.VietACT.org) and BSCC (www.bsccoalition.org/) along with performances by Viet Mai (Spoken Words) and Trinity (monologue). The second hour will feature various "Action Stations" where audiences can make greeting cards to the victims/survivors of human trafficking, take a photo for VietACT's "Not For Sale" Campaign, write a letter to Congress to support legislation against human trafficking, and MUCH more. Please see attached flyer for map, etc.
Bring a roll of Yarn or any Knitting tools you have for the cause. Parking is free in Gilman Parking Structure.

Saturday November 21: VAYA/UCSD-VSA/VSA-SDSU presents "Human Trafficking Awareness Night" @ Multi-Purpose Room / UCSD (UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093). (6:30 PM - 8:30 PM, Doors Open @ 6:00 PM). Facebook Event Page: http://www.facebook.com/#/event.php?eid=167965752877&index=1.

About the Author: Anthony (Vinh) T. Nguyen serves as Secretary for VAYA.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

VAYA’s 2010 Golden Voice (Giong Ca Vang) Singing Contest

Please help the Golden Voice Committee by informing your friends/colleagues/families/etc about auditioning for VAYA’s 2010 Golden Voice (Giong Ca Vang) Singing Contest. The first audition will be on Saturday November 14th from 1:00 – 4:00 PM @ Tieng Nuoc Toi Radio Conference Room (4120 30th St # 104 San Diego, CA 92104). The second audition will be on Sunday December 6th from 2:00 – 5:00 PM @ Tieng Nuoc Toi Radio Conference Room (4120 30th St # 104 San Diego, CA 92104). Those interested should only attend ONE of the two auditions (which ever works best for his/her schedule). Interested contestants can download the application @ http://www.sdtet.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/VAYA_GoldenVoice10_Application.doc and email it to GoldenVoice@sdtet.com. See attached flyer for details.

Questions or Concerns, please email us (Huyen Pham & Anthony Nguyen) @ GoldenVoice@sdtet.com.

Music is the melody of language, fashion, and talent. Golden Voice opens up the opportunity to carry out these important elements, and at the same time, helps preserve the essence of the Vietnamese culture through music. We are each a flower of talents, therefore, in this opportunity garden of Golden Voice, everyone blossoms.
About the Author: Anthony (Vinh) T. Nguyen serves as Secretary for VAYA.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

VAYA Official Newsletter: 11/05/09 (Volume V1: Issue 13)

Dear VAYA Members and Supporters,

Please find the latest updates from VAYA in the following categories:

I. VAYA General Updates
II: VAYA Tet 2010 Updates
III: Community Relations Updates
IV: VAYA & Other Organizations Updates
V: Vietnamese Americans for the Cure

VI: Other Announcements & Information

I. VAYA General Updates
A. VAYA Special Thanks!

VAYA would like to thank Nick Tran for taking the lead on the "Vietnamese Americans for the Cure" / Breast Awareness Project. Your time and leadership is deeply appreciative.
(Above: VAYA at the "Susan G. Komen San Diego Race for the Cure" event on Sunday November 1, 2009)

B. 2010 Asian/Pacific Islander American Youth Conference (APIAYC)

VAYA is in the process of forming the committee for our 2010 Asian/Pacific Islander American Youth Conference (APIAYC), aimed for July 2010. Please visit our official website (www.vayasd.org) for further information and "Conference Coordinator" applications if you want to be a part of the organizing committee. Please email eboard@vayasd.org if you have immediate questions or concerns.

C. Ways to get MORE involved with VAYA

At VAYA, we work to promote youth leadership, cultural awareness, social activism, and community development. Therefore, we make every effort to provide our members the opportunity to lead and make a difference. Please visit our web site for more information. Please direct any questions or concerns to VAYA Secretary, Anthony (Vinh) Nguyen, at secretary@vayasd.org.

*** Access Application(s) @ http://www.vayasd.org/downloads/

II: VAYA Tet 2010 Updates
A. VAYA's 2010 Golden Voice (Giong Ca Vang) Singing Contest Audition

Music is the melody of language, fashion, and talent. Golden Voice opens up the opportunity to carry out these important elements, and at the same time, helps preserve the essence of the Vietnamese culture through music. We are each a flower of talents, therefore, in this opportunity garden of Golden Voice, everyone blossoms.

Think you can sing? Interested in auditioning? Please save the date(s) below (*** you only need to attend ONE of the two auditions). Interested contestants can download the application @ http://www.sdtet.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/VAYA_GoldenVoice10_Application.doc and email it to GoldenVoice@sdtet.com. For more information, please visit http://www.sdtet.com/program/golden-voice/.

  • Saturday November 14: VAYA's 2010 Golden Voice (Giong Ca Vang) Singing Contest Audition (Audition Choice #1) @ Tieng Nuoc Toi Radio Conference Room (4120 30th St # 104 San Diego, CA 92104). (1:00 - 4:00 PM).
  • Sunday December 6: VAYA's 2010 Golden Voice (Giong Ca Vang) Singing Contest Audition (Audition Choice #2) @ Tieng Nuoc Toi Radio Conference Room (4120 30th St # 104 San Diego, CA 92104). (2:00 - 5:00 PM).B. General Tet News & InformationFor more information about the 2010 VAYA Vietnamese Lunar Year Tet Festival, please visit: www.sdtet.com.

III: Community Relations Updates
A. Nguyen Tho Sinh's Arrival to San Diego
This Saturday, November 7th, from 2:00 to 5:00 PM, VAYA and other community organizations/individuals will honor and welcome Nguyen Tho Sinh at the Vietnamese War Memorial Museum in Balboa Park. Nguyen Tho Sinh is a Veteran that walked across America from coast to coast to honor those that serve. He started in Florida and his destination will end in San Diego at Ocean Beach. The San Diego Community, Vietnamese American Armed Forces Association, along with the Viet Nam War Vet are hosting a welcoming celebration for him, to honor his journey and show him support. Please come out and show your support if you can.

For more information about this event, please contact VAYA External Vice President, Nikki Lam, at nikki.lam@vayasd.org. For more information about Nguyen Tho Sinh, please visit: www.bacaytruc.com.

B. California Endowment /Mid-City CAN (Community Advocacy Network) Updates
The California Endowment has selected City Heights as one of 14 communities to invest significant resources over the next 10 years as part of its state-wide initiative on Building Healthy Communities. For more information or if you want to get involved, please contact:

For more information on the CA Endowment Initiatives, please visit www.calendow.org. For more information on the Mid-City CAN, please visit www.midcitycan.org.

IV: VAYA & other Organizations Updates
A. Vietnamese Alliance to Combat Trafficking (VietACT)

VAYA's very own Community Relations Coordinator II (Non-Vietnamese Community), Calix Vu-Bui, is currently in Taiwan as the latest VietACT Intern (www.VietACT.org). Follow her experience in Taiwan @ http://vietactintern.blogspot.com/.

V: Vietnamese Americans for the Cure
From Nick Tran:
We had a successful walk this past weekend (11/01/09). Fifty people helped out or registered to race, which resulted in more than $1,300.00 being raised for Susan G. Komen San Diego.

I would like to say thanks to Tracey Nguyen for assisting me throughout the process and being my Deputy Program Manager and liaison to the Vietnamese organizations in the community and at UCSD. I would like to thank Juliet Tran (External Vice President of VSA-SDSU) for helping me with some fundraising efforts that allowed for the shirts and food to be provided for our team. I would like to thank VONS for donating us $50 for groceries. I would like to thank David Thai and his company (Sempra) for donating $100 to the team. I would like to thank Thuy-Tien Diep and her organization (Gach Noi - UCSD) with the translation for the published materials. I would like to thank Nikki Lam and the Lam Family for letting us use their tables at the team booth. I would like to thank VAYA as a whole in providing me support and providing materials for the information booth. I would like to thank Kim-Hong Duong for singing the Star Spangled Banner at the race. We all understand how nerve wrecking it can be singing in front of 15,000 people on a scaffold when you are afraid of heights, so great job to her, that's courage!

For more information about "Vietnamese Americans for the Cure" and the race, please go to www.viet4cure.org or contact: Nick Tran OR Tracey Nguyen @ info@viet4cure.org.

VI: Other Announcements & Information

In 2010, the U.S. Census will define who we are as a nation. Taken every 10 years, the census affects political representation and directs the allocation of billions of dollars in government funding. As a 2010 Census partner, you can educate your community about the importance of participating in this historic event and help ensure no one is left uncounted. You can help your community receive the fiscal and social benefits to which it is entitled. Achieving a complete and accurate 2010 Census is in our hands.For more information about the U.S. Bureau of Census, please visit: www.census.gov.

For a complete listing of VAYA's upcoming events/meetings, please visit our official calendar at: http://www.vayasd.org/calendar/. Please direct any questions or concerns to VAYA Secretary, Anthony (Vinh) Nguyen, at secretary@vayasd.org.

On behalf of VAYA's Executive Board and Staff, thank you for your continual support.

About the Author: Anthony (Vinh) T. Nguyen serves as Secretary for VAYA.

Monday, November 2, 2009

VAYA’s 6th Annual Street Clean-Up, A Sweeping’ Success

Since the inception of VAYA, we have strived to give back to the community and each year we coordinate a street clean-up to help beautify the streets where the organization originated, El Cajon Blvd. in City Heights. On Saturday, October 17th 2009, a diverse group of caring individuals gathered at Hoover High School in the early hours of the morning to register and prepare for the event, picking up their tee shirts, gloves, and trash bags/sticks. The event started at Hoover High School and ended in Colina Del Sol Park, with several water stops throughout the mile long strip. Our "In-Kind" Sponsors Cali Baguette, Pho Ca Dao, Pho King, and World Foods Supermarket helped supply us with ice cold water, cups, and table setups for the pit stops. We were able to clear the streets of trash ranging from miscellaneous paper waste and cigarette butts to broken glass which serve not only harmful to the environment but those living in the area.

The event had a strong showing of approximately 125 people ranging in age and ethnic background. There were participants from multiple schools, colleges, and organizations such as VSA-SDSU, VSA-UCSD, Gach Noi UCSD, VSA-Scripps Ranch High School, VSA-University City High School, Crawford High School, Monte Vista High School’s Asian Pacific Islanders Club, and the Little Saigon Foundation. At the end of the mile-long street clean up, volunteers were met with cheerful faces applauding and thanking them for their devotion to community service. The volunteers also received complimentary boba cards from Tapioca Heaven and a festive appreciation BBQ picnic.

"In-Kind" Sponsors & Business Supporters
  • Cali Baguette (5215 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115)
  • Pho Ca Dao (5223 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115)
  • World Foods Supermarket (5245 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115)
  • Tapioca Heaven (9225 Mira Mesa Blvd Ste 115 San Diego, CA 92126.
  • Pho King (5223 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115)
  • Lucky Signs (3071 54th St San Diego, CA 92105)
Schools & Organizations
  • Gach Noi UCSD
  • Cong Dong Viet Nam San Diego
  • VSA - Scripps Ranch High School
  • VSA - University City High School
  • Monte Vista High School's Asian Pacific Islanders Club
  • Crawford High School
  • Little Saigon Foundation

About the Author: Nancy Truong serves as Historian for VAYA.