The story I am about to tell will probably relate to you in one way or the other.
"If someone told you they do not have a dream, they are lying"
When I was in high school I had always dreamed of running a business. Everyone has a dream. This was my dream. I had tried to start a few from high school to college that only got me a buck or two on the side. In college I rubbed shoulders with people that were soaring high. Business owners with mansions, pent houses, Ferrari and Lamborghinis. Some of them were in their late 20s. Some who bought new cars every other month like money ain't a thang. This was my motivation to push myself harder.
May 2005 - Graduation
"Sometimes you feel like school was in the way of something better"
I had recently graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Arts and Sciences Art (graphic design in short). I was excited to finish school. Towards the end of school I felt as if school was in the way of me making it big. It was two weeks after I had walked when I got a phone call from an old friend to meet on starting a new business. I was called upon because I had web development skills and matched a position in the business plan. The business I helped created was internet marketing for mortgage brokers.
Start of a new challenge
"Have you ever been in a situation where you thought back a month prior and would never thought you would ever be there?"
This was the beginning of the largest challenge of my life. The business sprinted and started within its first month. We had a 1800sq ft office space with 15 employees over the summer of 2005. We had recruited some of the best salesmen from top companies to work for us. They saw our product and was very enthusiastic about it. I was the Chief Operating Officer overlooking the business. Everything felt great.
It was about a year into the business and we had around 200 clients across the nation each paying us a monthly fee. We had residual income. Our phones were ringing off the hook. I started working 10-16 hour days staggered. Sometimes I would not sleep. We were making our competitors look bad. Clients were switching over to our business. Everything was all good in the hood. It felt good to build something from ground up and see it soar.I had flash backs of hanging out at mansions with nice cars. I had a feeling I was going to be there. I was constantly eating at nice restaurants. I started drinking wine a lot. Actually, this was the start of my wine drinking. I wanted to be classy and fancy with everything I had gained.
Mo money mo problems
But with a steady flow of income and sales every month, things started getting hairy. It seemed as if the more money we made the more trouble we run into. Every dollar that came in was tagged with trouble. It was then that every dollar I helped the company earned went out the door.
I had dealt with law suits from bigger companies trying to stop us from rising in the market. Their tactic was to put us through a lawsuit and try to bleed us out until we had no money left to fight. I had dealt with clients making threats to the business. Some of these clients had a lot of money and a lot of time on their hands. I had dealt with employees stealing from within and taking our business away. Employees who causes emotional stress to other employees to make a stand.
Stress relieversIn 2006, I joined the Vietnamese American Youth Alliance. I needed a break from all the stress i was going through. I met new friends and volunteering helped get my mind off of business. I wanted to change the swing of things and started getting more involved with them. I had dedicated too much of my time working and I needed to get out. They kept me sane.
Image is deceiving
"What you see isn't what you get"
When I was out hanging with my friends and meeting new people they thought I had it all good and gravy. Only those who were really close to me knew what I was going through. It was the image I presented that hid everything else. They saw me in my Mercedes and tagged me as successful. My Mercedes was part of the business marketing plan. Some would ask me why I drive an expensive car.
I said to them, "Would you rather work for someone driving a bucket or someone driving a Mercedes?"
If I wasn't running the business I wouldn't have bought such an expensive car. I would probably still be driving my civic hatchback, the $3k car that got me from point A to point B twice as less money in gas than what I have now.
The collapse of the mortgage industry
Our business's income was from mortgage brokers. No mortgage brokers no money. These guys knew how to sell loans and didn't know how to market themselves on the internet. That was what we were for.It was the beginning of 2007
"How does it feel to have someone you know leave and take advantage of what they know about you and take away what you have built?"
We saw the beginning of the end. Not only was I dealing with business getting taken away from competitors (who use to work for me), I was also dealing with mortgage brokers who went out of business. My business partner had recently gotten married and had a baby coming. He had his plate full.
Money was going out the door. I saw nothing but bills. IP phones, fax lines and internet $600+, insurance $400, rent $3500, loans, servers etc. Cost of running the business was more than $12,000 a month. It was like a ship trying to make it to land but was struck by a cannon ball with gas leaking.
The ship was sinking. On the outside. I looked like I was steering it as if I had just bought it.
"Have you ever looked at someone smiling and was curious if that smile was hiding how they truly feel?"
The dream of making it big was turning bleak. I thought back about all those people I ran into in high places. I would wonder what the other side of the image they presented was like.
It was towards the end of summer 2007. I was struggling.
"The guy behind the McDonald counter was better off than I was"
I had to jump ships. I landed a new job at the beginning September of 2007 right away. I had a job as a 3D graphics designer. I was titled as a "Senior Interactive Designer". I had worked there for almost a year. During the time there it felt like a huge break from everything I was going through.
I was rebuilding myself both mentally and financially
I had carried my entrepreneurial mindset over to the new company. I had downgraded to just a regular employee with a huge leadership aurora. The leadership was a bit disoriented from the transition of the two different environments. Sometimes I felt that the employees there didn't like it. I had to change. I had to blend into the new environment. It is not the same anymore.
Almost a year later, August 2008, I got laid off along with 25% of the work force at that company.
Collecting unemployment
"This is where I am today"
My past came knocking on the door this morning
I am still untangling myself from the business I once ran. It still gets to me here and there. But I try not worry about what I can't control and look on the brighter side.
I think back
You are working so hard you leave out the more important things
What if you just disappear the next day. You are building this huge mansion on your hands and knees so you can be better than your neighbor. Maybe it's to feel good about yourself. Maybe you want to show off your hard work.
"What if one day it all went away?"
What if one day a hurricane knocks it all away. You were too busy building and had no time to enjoy life with your friends, family, and loved ones. Your neighbor was better off than you. Your neighbor's house was decent size and completed long ago. Your neighbor was enjoying his life while you were still building.
The dream I was living towards had its flip side. I was taking in more stress over enjoyment. I was working so hard I didn't socialize and enjoy life as much. Right now I'm on a huge vacation.
This life is too short. I'm not trying to discourage anyone from chasing their dreams. I didn't regret the experience I had. I am just telling you my story.
About the Author: Dang Tran serves as the Webmaster for VAYA.
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