Welcome to VAYA's Official Blog. This exciting new blog provides an opportunity for VAYA to engage in a dialogue with our members, the community, and those interested in our organization. This blog will feature commentary and observations from VAYA Executive Board Members, contributions by VAYA Staff and members, as well as approved guest bloggers from outside of VAYA. This blog will only be a true community if you participate, so please send your thoughts to eboard@vayasd.org. Please be respectful and considerate when posting comments and thoughts. All comments will be reviewed and approved prior to publication. Thank you for visiting this blog!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dear Members and Supporters,

Today is a glorious day not only for Vietnamese-American everywhere in general, but for the VAYAnese of San Diego in particular. Today, a young immigrant has become a Vietnamese-American citizen by naturalization. Today, our community has gained a new Voter, new Voice, and a new Power.

Citizenship is a privilege, not a right. As a citizen, one enjoys many more opportunities than non-citizens. One gains access to more secure and better-paid governmental jobs; wider ranges of travel, and greater protection against enemies foreign and domestic. But more importantly, a citizen also acquires certain responsibilities. Besides pledging one's allegiance to the Star Spangled Banner, and defending the constitution of the United States, a citizen has a greater burden of ensuring the effectiveness of our government, the fairness of our justice system, the equality of our society and the well-being of our people. As one becomes a citizen, one's Voice takes on a greater meaning; one's Vote becomes a powerful tool to shape one's life and the lives of others. All the new powers, privileges and responsibilities will go into making our young friend a better person as he becomes a man and perhaps even a leader of men.

Without further ado, please join me in congratulating Long (last name) Tuấn Lương (first name) on his becoming a citizen of our adopted motherland, the United States of America.

About the Author: Frank H. Vuong serves as President for VAYA.

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