Welcome to VAYA's Official Blog. This exciting new blog provides an opportunity for VAYA to engage in a dialogue with our members, the community, and those interested in our organization. This blog will feature commentary and observations from VAYA Executive Board Members, contributions by VAYA Staff and members, as well as approved guest bloggers from outside of VAYA. This blog will only be a true community if you participate, so please send your thoughts to eboard@vayasd.org. Please be respectful and considerate when posting comments and thoughts. All comments will be reviewed and approved prior to publication. Thank you for visiting this blog!

Friday, March 26, 2010

VAYA Official Newsletter: 03/25/10 (Volume V1: Issue 23)

Newsletter URL: [http://us1.campaign-archive.com/?u=4377d8d683101c4e65b9ff3be&id=1fd2e3f8da]

Dear VAYA Members and Supporters,

Please find the latest updates from VAYA in the following categories:

I. VAYA General Updates
II: VAYA Tet 2010 Updates
III: VAYA & the Community
IV: Other Announcements & Information

I. VAYA General Updates
A. Upcoming VAYA Meeting(s) and/or Event(s)
Sunday April 4: VAYA Meeting @ Tea N' More (7380 Clairemont Mesa Blvd - Ste 120, next to 99 Ranch Supermarket). (11:00 AM - 1:00 PM).

B. Ways to get MORE involved with VAYA
At VAYA, we work to promote youth leadership, cultural awareness, social activism, and community development. Therefore, we make every effort to provide our members the opportunity to lead and make a difference. To get involved, please visit our web site for more information. Please direct any questions or concerns to VAYA Secretary, Anthony (Vinh) Nguyen, at secretary@vayasd.org.

*** Access Application(s) @ http://www.vayasd.org/downloads/

II: VAYA Tet 2010 Updates
A. General Tet News & Information
Thank you EVERYONE for your support in the 5th Annual VAYA Lunar New Year Tet Festival 2010.

2010 VAYA Volunteer Appreciation Banquet

If you would like to take a lead in next year's festival, please visit www.sdtet.com regularly for information and updates on committee chair positions and application. If you have any immediate questions on ways to get involved, please contact the current Tet Chairs at chair@sdtet.com.

III: VAYA & the Community
A. Fusion XI (Hosts: Second to None (220) and UCSD Multi-Asian Student Association(MASA)

For more information, please visit: http://fusionhiphop.com/

B. International Rescue Committee

Free citizenship services for seniors over 65---

Did you know that 23% of the total San Diego population is foreign born?

Elderly refugees and immigrants represent a significant part of this population, and often face various cultural, linguistic, or educational barriers that make it difficult to pass the US Citizenship interview. The International Rescue Committee is reaching out to this often marginalized population to ensure they are able to become US Citizens in a timely manner.

Through its new Golden Door Program funded by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the IRC will help refugee and immigrant seniors over age 65 by providing:

  • Free citizenship classes exclusively for seniors
  • Free home tutoring for home bound seniors
  • Free application preparation services
  • Free case management services

How can you help?

  • Volunteer as a Home Tutor to help seniors prepare for their citizenship exam and interview.
  • Invite an IRC staff member to speak at your local organization to raise awareness about immigration and citizenship.
  • If you know of a senior citizen who is striving to become a US Citizen, have him or her contact the IRC.

For more information, contact Laura Lopez at laura.lopez@theIRC.org or 619 641-7510 x254

For more information, call the IRC at 619-641-7510 Ext. 250

International Rescue Committee

5348 University Ave. Suite 205A
San Diego, CA 92105

www.RefugeeInfo.org www.theIRC.org/SanDiego

IV: Other Announcements & Information

A. SDSU Documentary Film Project (From Pat Clark)
I am a graduate student at San Diego State University and I am producing a documentary film which will look at the evacuation of Saigon on April 29, 1975. I am speaking with members of the American military who were involved in the evacuation efforts and I would like to speak with individuals who were evacuated from Saigon. This is a historical film and I am simply looking to capture these stories and piece them together in an effort to detail these amazing stories of survival.

The interview process will take no longer than one hour and I can provide at translator if necessary. I am looking to conduct these interviews over the next three weeks and I am willing to travel to accommodate individuals located outside of San Diego. Participants will be given a DVD copy of the finished film as well as an invitation to the film screening at San Diego State University this May.

If you are interested in learning more about this project or if you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me via email at patclark1@gmail.com or by phone 303-906-9312.

B. Vietnamese Alliance to Combat Trafficking (VietACT)

VAYA's very own Community Relations Coordinator II (English), Calix Vu-Bui, is currently in Taiwan as the latest VietACT Intern (www.VietACT.org). Follow her experience in Taiwan @ http://vietactintern.blogspot.com/. Calix will be back in the States early April 2010!

C. Vietnamese Americans for the Cure

For more information about "Vietnamese Americans for the Cure", please go to www.viet4cure.org or contact: Nick Tran OR Tracey Nguyen @ info@viet4cure.org.

D. California Endowment /Mid-City CAN (Community Advocacy Network)

For more information on the CA Endowment Initiatives, please visit www.calendow.org. For more information on the Mid-City CAN, please visit www.midcitycan.org

E. Census 2010

In 2010, the U.S. Census will define who we are as a nation. Taken every 10 years, the census affects political representation and directs the allocation of billions of dollars in government funding. For more information about the U.S. Bureau of Census, please visit: www.census.gov.

For a complete listing of VAYA's upcoming events/meetings, please visit our official calendar at: http://www.vayasd.org/calendar/. Please direct any questions or concerns to VAYA Secretary, Anthony (Vinh) Nguyen, at secretary@vayasd.org.

On behalf of VAYA's Executive Board and Staff, thank you for your continual support.

About the Author: Anthony (Vinh) T. Nguyen serves as Secretary for VAYA.

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